
Hello everyone!

We are 1 month away from our STEM Field Trip at Fenway Park and I know I am excited.
Tough opener last night but there is a long way to go.

This week in Science students read articles from sciencedaily.com about the discovery of Exoplanets in the Habitable Zone. I showed a few short videos on the origin of the Big Bang and how scientists believe the Universe was created by the violent explosion of a 1 mm condensed ball of elements. Other articles, site visits, and videos include: the time it would take to travel to the outer edge of the Solar System, what if you fell into a Black Hole, Elon Musk's launching of the Falcon Heavy in which he sent his Tesla Roadster into Space, and finally the history of both Voyager 1 and 2 since 1977 and their accomplishments of reaching the Interstellar Medium.

Students are solving problems on JogNog.com based on all that they have learned this year. Students are welcome to solve problems at home to complete their Towers. These questions meet state standards and do help students prepare for the MCAS.

I would like to give a shout out to Eamon Scott who volunteers facts about the Universe every day. We all benefit from Eamon's contributions to our classroom community including myself.

This week in Mr. Marrese's History Class students practiced skill work from the 13 Colonies including identifying the Founders, types of people welcomed into each colony, and trades for survival. Also, students analyzed graphs showing population increases during the time period. As Neil Diamond's song goes "We're Coming To America!" The French and Indian War is next!


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