

We had a great week in school. Students are filling out their assignment notebooks and homework folders to be organized. All homework is posted on my site link. You will also find lesson videos that accompany each lesson.

The Fowler School Library Book Fair!
September 18-22, 2017
The fair will be open during Curriculum Night on Tuesday September 19from 5:30-7:30 pm

This week in Math students solved mixed facts, an introductory Practice Problem of the Week, 3 of their 9 Tic Tac Challenge problems which is due at the end of each month by all students, and a Paul Revere problem. Paul Revere was offered $25.00 for 32 horseshoe nails or a penny for the first and double for each additional. The total cost was just under 43 million. We also read Sir Circumference and All The King's Tens to introduce Place Value. Lesson 1.1 was taught so students could learn the place value positions and how each neighboring value is 10 times more or less. Students rolled Place Value dice and recorded the value on white boards to compare with classmates. Finally, students solved riddles for values up to the hundred nantillions. All students are logged into Front Row for our weekly computer lab visit. We also used the Kakooma App to solve addition problems. This is accessible online with hard copies in my mailboxes.

This week in Science students shared their interpretation of what Science is. How do we think like a scientist. Students read about observations and discussed the difference between qualitative and quantitative observations. Students also discovered that inferences suggest reasoning for an observation. The grass is wet. The grass is wet because it just rained, or the sprinkler was just on. We also shared elements of the Scientific Method which will be applied in the coming weeks with daily lab experiments. Students played the Silent Observation Game to separate students into 2 groups based on a trait such as all students wearing black sneakers.

Have a great weekend!

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