

Life with devices is going well! I am going to recommend picking up a pair of ear buds for classroom use.

This week in Science students learned about the components of Sound Energy through reading from our text and answering comprehension questions. Students also viewed PBS learning videos and answered questions in the Google Classroom through Google Forms. I also showed students videos on shattering glass through high pitched volume and playing music through glasses partially filled with water. Students also went outside for 5 minutes and sketched sound waves from all that could be hear outside including rustling wind, birds, people, cars, a leaf blower, etc. The Sound Energy Study Guide is located in Google Classroom. The test will be on Wednesday, October 23rd.

This week in Mr. Marrese's History Class students learned about Leif Erickson and Christopher Columbus. We also learned about the Lost Colony in Roanoke in 1587 where a group of English people disappeared between visits and left a trace carving but were never found. Students then supported 6 possible theories with written evidence and then selected the theory most plausible in their minds. Students will be working in class on their Country Project which is due on Thursday, October 24th. Students may work on it at home if they wish but there will be enough time in class.


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