

During our Morning Meeting today students participated in an activity called "Last Person Standing".

On a notecard, write 3 statements:

1. Something about you that you think might also be true about almost everyone else here.

2. Something about you that you think might also be true for about half the people here.

3. Something about you that you think is unique only about you and no one else here.

I read each list to the class with everyone standing. Students sat down as each item was read to denote that they do not share that in common. In some instances students could see that they had some things in common with classmates that they may not have realized.

It is very possible that they did not realize that their teacher is a television star :) (See video.)


This week in Math students divided 3-4 dividends by 2 digit divisors. Students learned strategies for identifying the lead digit in the quotient which sometimes entailed adjusting the quotient if the estimate was too low or high. Students played dice games to strengthen their fact fluency. Students later created bar diagrams to display parts of a whole amount.

This week in Science students completed and studied an Energy Test Study Guide in time for Thursday's test. Time to study in small groups was given on Wednesday. Students also wrote conclusions for their Roller Coaster Analysis. Students also viewed a class video of their creations.

As a reminder, my after school extra help days are Monday and Wednesday.


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